"Your presence calms down my volcanos"


This drawing is crafted on Italian Fabriano watercolor paper (29.7 x 42 cm, 300 gsm, acid-free) and brought to life with acrylics, markers, spray paints, wax pastels, and graphite.

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 It’s about conflicts and how to deal with them in the loving relationship. Loving goes one on one with forgiving. Forgive, be patient, show care, that’s like some cooling sprinkles of dew, disarming the soldiers of the raging heart. Calm down, you’re loved, I’m not going anywhere. That type of connection and commitment I wanted to show in this drawing. For a viewer to be able to sense that compassion and truly supernatural love.

Be the Light of this world
"Everyone blooms differently"
"All his earthly success amounted to nothing of eternal value"
"Abundance of life"
"From the same bone"